"When a stupid man is doing something wrong and he is ashamed for it, he always declares that it is his duty." With the onslaught of killings in Texas this seems to be the only answer we can find to match with the state´s actions. Due to the horrendous acts being carried out by this state, we as Supporters/Abolitionist and Activist have had to step up our Fight against this unjust system.

Consciousness is ariving slowly but surely and on this path we must continue. Our truths (facts) have become our light. And in light, even though it passes through pollution, is NOT polluted. More and more in these days it´s getting easier and easier for the Death Penalty to be handed out. No matter if the lack of evidence, motive or witnesses has it made a difference in the twisted Due Process they claim its citizens have.

Most people of the world are not even Enlightened to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights passed in 1948 by the United Nations our Country is part of. This Declaration proclaims each person´s right to 1. Protection from "Deprivation" of life, and 2. it categorically states that no one shall be subjected to cruel or degrading punishment.

The Death Penalty - the Pre-meditated and cold - blooded killing of prisoners in state custody violates both of these rights. But, why has our society continued to applaud and uphold this acts ? People of the Public, YOU cannot be afraid of the facts. We must face what we have allowed to be made in our country. We as activist have discovered a very unjust case and in this case we´ve found blatant violations of any Semblence on Justice. We are making a plea on the behalf of Kenneth Parr, because 1. We believe he is an innocent man, 2. We believe he did not have a fair trial and 3. he has more evidence to be heard. True, the law says No man is promised a "Perfect" trial only a fair one. But, is having incompetent lawyers who purposely work against their clients fair ? NO ! And this is only in part what Kenneth Parr has faced.

Kenneth Parr is a poor, young black man. At 20 years old he´s one of the youngest men on death row. Kenneth has no family or friend support and do to this vile conditions we feel he needs tremendous help.

As a youngster he was seperated from his parents and went home to home. His mother was unstable and in and out of prison and at a young age he found out his father had died. Kenneth rebelled ! Yes, he rebelled from abusive households, deprived surroundings and on his own slept on the streets at time even as he pursued to go to school on his own.

We Undoubtedly know that Knowledge of his past by Law officials bolstered his arrest.

Kenneth would like to get his case known to the public. He would like to offer his facts to any of those who would want to help. His purpose is not to conceal, but to reveal, but we need you, "The Public", to aid and assist us and stand by US.

Facts say approximately 74 men haven been exonerated and freed from death row over the past 25 years. Although, this sounds good, over 20 men have been executed and then found to be innocent later. This figure is causing so many to question Capital Punishment - as it should be. There´s even more concern mistaken convictions will occur as record numbers of inmates fill death rows, pressure builds for speedy executions and fewer attorneys defend prisoners facing executions. We must prevent this in Kenneth Parr´s case. His arrest has been prompted by misguided information and unheard facts. People of the Public must seriously and earnestly as, "Is that true ?" For truth does not change; if truth were to change, truth would not be truth.

We need public, awareness ladies and gentlemen. How can you get informed to Kennth Parr´s case ? Simply, write to him. Kenneth is trying to reach out to people not only insights of his case, but for fellow companionship and to explore his continued thoughts. The unit he is on (Terrell) has all the inmates und inhumane conditions and many groups are fighting against the conditions.

Access to things can be granted to these inmates, but much hatred is being instilled upon them. As you read this dissertation think hard about what is fair and cruel. Give Kenneth a change at Life and the Life he has been deceitfully cheated of. An old sage says, "It is easier to "Perceive" error than to find truth, for the former lies on the surface and is easily seen, while the latter lies in the depth, where few are willing to search for it."

Maybe we´ve found OUR answer to why people turn their backs. But we will stay Diligently on Kenneth´s side and ALL the others on death row.

We leave this plea in your hands, we pray for your support.

In the Plight for Justice you can contact Kenneth at:

Kenneth Parr
# 999312
Terrell Unit
12002 FM 350 South
Livingston, Texas 77351

In continuation we leave a small article written by Kenneth Parr himself.
Click here to read !

CCADP-Webpage for Kenneth Parr

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