Hello, and thank you very much for taking the time to visit this site. Allow me explain to you the action that we have planned with this site:

March 1st is the International Day for the Abolition of the Death Penalty, and we thought it would be good if the President and the Governors of the USA realise that the civilised world does not want to watch the senseless killing of inmates any longer.

Our plan is to send faxes, emails, letters and petitions to those responsible, and to make clear to them, that the senseless killing of human beings must come to an end.

All mail of protest should be send out so that it will arrive in the offices on March 1st, so letters and petitions have to be mailed out about one week ahead of this day. The aim of this action is that the responsible people will be flooded with mail in this day.

We would greatly appreciate it, if  you support us with this action and write to one or more of the Governors and the President of the USA

Thank you so much for your support!