A Brothers Story

Hello my name is Lundy. I am Granville Riddle's brother, not of blood but rather of mutual choice. I can not describe to you the pain of losing someone in such a sick, unjust, and unnatural way as lethal injection. I would like to tell you a little about Granville from my own experience with him. I am sure that most of you view this website knew him. Well, I would like to tell you a little more.

I actually only knew Granville for a couple of years but in the time I visited and wrote with him more than anyone. He and I were both raised around the same small towns in the Texas panhandle. I had heard his name in connection to mutual friends but I had never met him. Many years later a friend in Dallas had started writing to inmates on Death Row here in Texas. Granville's name was mentioned and I was ask if I would consider corresponding with him. A short time later I began writing him.

At first our letters were about once every other week. As we began to become true friends he ask if I would like to come and visit him. I told him I would enjoy visiting him and sent him the information he needed so that I could be added to his visitation list. Over the coarse of the next few months our friendship became stronger and we began to refer to one another as "Bubba" ( that is Texan for brother) and indeed that is what we had become.I have been referred to as his best friend by many who have e-mailed me. I find that term offensive and degrading as I know he referred to me as brother.

During the time I knew Granville our conversations were numerous . We talked about everything from music, the Texas panhandle, our friends and our families. Granville was honest, open, and willing to talk about any subject that might arise. When I had first begun writing with him I had no idea of his personality but I soon discovered he was smart and very articulate. At this point I could tell you about his childhood, or about his case but those are not my stories to relay. I want to tell you about Granville as a person.

Granville had a great concern for those with whom he felt close. He would show me pictures and tell me about his pen-pals and he was genuinely proud of the friendships he had formed all around the world. When one of his pen-pals was going through a difficult period, he was troubled and truly worried for them. Granville also shared in the victories and the accomplishment of his friends. Proud for them and proud of them.

Granville was also very proud because he had fallen in love with a beautiful lady named Mallory. He was totally infatuated with her. He wanted me to become acquainted with her as she was to be a big part of his life. I am well acquainted with her now and I refer to her as my sister-in-law. Granville's dream came true and she accept his marriage proposal. Granville was right about her. She is a beautiful, wonderful person. She brought much joy to his life.

Granville also wanted me to get to know his father ( he was living in the panhandle as was my own father).  I did get to know him and his sister as well. I talk with both of them almost weekly. I have also become close with Granville's younger brother, Levi. We now call one another "Bubba" also and I am sure Granville would be very pleased.

I can not tell you that Granville and I always agreed or saw eye to eye on everything. We did not. We had our arguments and disagreements just like any other siblings. We also shared much laughter, tears, and experiences and these were the important things. You see, Granville did not have much in the way of material possessions. He was not allowed much in that concentration camp my country terms as prison. However, in involving me in the lives of his wife, his father, and his brother, he was giving me everything that was his. His family. The one thing that no court could take from him. This is the man I know Granville Riddle to be.

The media has painted an inaccurate portrait of this man. Even some well meaning friends have made Granville seem one dimensional. This was simply not the case as there were many aspects to his life. For me he was a brother, an irreplaceable part of my life that has been stolen from me. A part of many other lives stolen as well. Now, maybe I have told you nothing you did not already know. Maybe you are aware of the truth as to the character that Granville possessed. In any case , Thank you for taking the time to read this. For those of you who did know Granville personally let me assure you he thought of you highly and with great concern. I hope Granville will remain in your heart always.

